
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Capture Visually Stunning Photographs

Nothing boosts and compliments a photographer's confidence like getting nominated in a highly prestigious photo competition. Submitting your images is just the first step in achieving your dream grand prize. How would you catch the attention of the ever meticulous and sharp scrutiny of the judges? Here are some ways to captivate their eyes:

Create visual focal points to isolate your subject. Arrange the different visual elements in such a way that it forms an unusual yet striking masterpiece. Think about what you're trying to illustrate and how you can best show it in your piece. Draw their eyes into your main subject.

Lighting is the key in creating shots that stand out. Getting the perfect exposure is crucial to create detail and dimension. Know the various qualities of light and use them to your advantage. Contrasting lights create more detail, shape, and texture.

Print Quality

Top quality prints usually have a superior edge and have greater chances of getting noticed. Knowing the right exposures to properly showcase your work is most essential. Glossy prints are shiny and vibrant, but hard to look at under intense light. On the other hand, matte prints are ideal for monochrome images, though its texture can add graininess.

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